Mapping JPlots vs. QA plots

Jplots mapping:

Each plot is one assembly, order: (RDO-1)*10 + sector*2 + (pad>10? 1 : 0)

In the star daq lingo a sector corresponds to an ARM board (two assemblies connected) and a pad to an APV. Since two assemblies are connected to one ARM the pad numbering goes up to 24.

I.e. in each plot which is labeled correctly by the assembly the order is from long to short side, but quads are mixed

See again:

If the cabling is changed, the assemblies would move. But within a plot everything should stay the same.



In the QA plots we sort according to QUAD.

Here the index within one quad is apv%12. I.e. in each quad the numbering goes from long to short side, but quads are NOT mixed.

One way to think of this is that the sorting is in octants (since each assembly serves one side of the quad) that go clockwise.

Recabling should not change this mapping, since the quad assignment comes from the DB mapping and the %12 operation should be stable against offsets by 12 which would be caused by changing the cabling of the assemblies.