JPlot output from the test stand files

I tested the JPlots on the produced daq files, following the old instructions here:

However I used dev. There was some small hiccup,

so I did starver dev, cons ... some error running

starver pro, cons ... error compiling

starver dev, cons, ... everything fine... :-)


Command line was:


OnlTools/Jevp/launch fgtBuilder -file /star/institutions/mit/FGT_TESTING/FGT_RUN12_JustPulledOut_26Jul2012/DATA/fgt_test_run12_justpulledout_10000_cable-1AB.sfs -pdf out.pdf


I attached the out.pdf file and you have to scroll a bit to find the plot from the one assembly...RDO1, ARM0, GRP0