Additional Info for tracks for the FGT

I looked at tracks with 3 and 4 points with the requirement that the points are within 0.5 cm in x and y from the track given by the seed by d1 and d6.

To check if those are real track I extrapolated to z=0. They seem to come from a common point (albeit not 0,0), so I additionally apply a cut that x and y at origin are between -20cm and 20 cm ( seel following plot, distribution at z=0 in x,y for 3 and 4point tracks)

The run, as before is this one




Now I look for these tracks at cluster size and and charge as well as charge correlations: (first for 3 point than 4 point tracks)

Conclusion is that the size seems to be around 6, the charges are all over the place and there is no significant correlation (plots only for r clusters)

(sorry but this plot goes to a charge of 50k)



Now for 4 hit tracks: