Some result from the first run Cu+Au

In 10k events, found 769 Tracks:


Plots In order:


1) TPC FGT z vertex correlation with straight tracks --->Looks good


2) -6) Cluster (with and without TPC vertex requirement), Max Strip, Sum3 and Max Adc charge correlation: Correlation looks well between all of them. Saturation not so bad? Cluster charge correlation looks very good this time (clustering good). Note that this is for Disk2, QuadB , the other ones are for Disk3. I'll produce the plot for Disk3 as well. W/O the TPC it doesnt' look so good anymore. Also the charges seem to have one 'hot spot'. But it is the same for r and phi


7) Z vertex in cm


8) Charge correlation


9) position of tb with max adc Ind disc3 Quad B


10) max Adc


11) z vertex (y) dca (x)


12) efficiency for Disk3 Quad B


13) number of counts Disk3 Quad B ( to get an idea of error on efficiency, don't be confused by the index of the disk, also it shows where hits are expected+found, so it covers more area then the active quadrant)


14) number of strips with charge > 1000 in Disk3 quad B per event (in p+p <2, here more like 20)

15) number of valid pulses per event in D3, QB, here <2 very similar to p+p, seems to be more robust than charge cut