evaluation of SL09g Dec28 production 'sample'

 This age summarizes evaluation of 'W-sample' produced by Lidia on Dec 27, 2009 with the final version of SL09g library.


  1. Raw W-peak & Z plots look reasonable (with ideal BTOW gains) 
  2. Charge sign separation
  3. TPC chi2/dof
  4. Z-mass peak using idela gains (left) and ofl gains=Dec16 (right)
  5. relative gains and eta-position of the leading tower (in the 2x2 cluster) used to reco Z-mass peak
  6. QA of sectors of TPC, full SL09g: PDF
  7. SL09g data Z-peak (below) w/ 3rd version of BTOW ofl gains (top) uploaded to DB on January 25, 2009. Bottom the same w/ ideal gains.


  8. M-C Pythia Z-peak (below). Top official rcf10014 M-C Z-events w/ wrong transverse vertex position in BFC, bottom our private M-C from December of 2008.