evaluation of new SC & GL for run pp500 in SL10j

As of yesterday (Nov 9 2010) new SC & GL are available 


Samples of  540 run from pp500 run 9 have been  run through BFC in SL10j using the chain:

"DbV20101110 OGGVoltErr pp2009c ITTF VFPPVnoCTB BEmcChkStat beamLine Corr4 OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D -dstout -evout"

Events passing L2W-trigger have been selected, for all prim vertices  the valid TPC tracks with PT>1 GeV/c were selected. For every track the global track component was taken and the average chi2/dof was accumulated per run. ( float globChi2dof=glTr->chi2();  )

 Fig 1  shows 1D & 2D distribution of chi2/dof for all runs and all tracks

 Fig 2  shows 1D chi2/dof for tracks reco in he East TPC

 Fig 3  shows 1D chi2/dof for tracks reco in he West TPC