ongoing ana of Ws for run 11


  1. verify ETOW,BTOW,ESMD data are properly unpacked by the BFC ( log files /star/u/balewski/2011-january-bnl/l2weTest )
  2. track abort gap vs. run - this is our only way to get polarization of bXings
    1. revive the method (Jan  has the code)
    2. determine 7, 48-bit bX-offsets for all taken runs as we go
  3. evaluate tracking & PPV efficiency
  4. run QA for data taken during next month 

Work in progress

  1. startup TPC calibration  -Gene & Co
  2.  determine & track beam line constrain  - Gene?
  3. establish method to sink/restore files : carver - HPSS@PDSF - Jan
  4. establish access to muDst on carver to PDSF regular STAR - Justin
  5. automatic spreadsheet for acquired runs - Anselm, 


  1. all ZB events have TPC hits, Pibero
  2. prime peds & status tables in DB for BTOW, ETOW