FGT helix tracker - take 2


Conceptually the algo have not change since yesterday (http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/node/23842/) but few bug fixes and parameter adjustement made it ~3x more efficient and residua are smaller (too small)

INPUT events:

  • real 2012 , pp200 : all FGT-minB events from runs 13066101,102,104, total of 51k events
  • real 2012, pp510 : all 317k  fgt-minB events from run 13079078
  • M-C Pythia  pp510 (other jobs crashed), 1k events


Number of reco FGT tracks in FGT octant
octant real data  
51k events
1k events
 0  396  ?
 1  412  ?
 2 508   145
 3  568  135

Fig 1. run 13066101,102,104,  51k events, fitting to octant 3, attached files show more details for all 4 tried octants.


Fig 2.  run 13079078 , 317k events, fit to octants 0-3 combined.  Plots shows cross point of reco track passing all QA cuts fitted to any avaliable R or Phi cluster. Disc plot is incremented if at least on of the planes contributed to the fit.