FGT charge correlation

 INPUT : 317K minB events from run: 13079078

Method: fit helix to octant 3, cut on Z-vertex <50cm, for used clusters check if there is a R+P pair from  the same disc, increment histo


  • adcSum is total charge assigned to given cluster by Anslem's cluster finder   
  • maxAdc is computed by my. Each cluster has so called 'centralStrip'. I pick the maxADC out of 7 time bins for this 'centralStrip'

(pedestals were subtracted earlier)

Fig 1. adcSum correlation in P vs. R-planes  in 6 discs for octant=3

Fig 2: maxAdc correlation in 6 discs for octant=3

Fig 3: Spatial location of reco tracks to which belong P,R clusters use to fill plots in fig 1 & 2.