2nd survey of working R-strips with 10-90 gas mix, HV set 3

 Purpose: find strips being sourcse of seed pulses across all 6 discs

Input: runs 13061023, 13061024,13061025,13061029

Fig 1. Best assembly of 6 octants for tracking purposes (B.short). The beam axis is above the plots, IP is on the left. Imagin quads are positioned below the beam line. Att. A) shows plots for all 4 6-packs.

Y-axis shos R-strip ID, X-axis shows # of clusters.

Fig 2. Correlation between the seed R-strip and other R-strips with integral at least 1/3 of the seed strip. Note strong correlation along HV segment boundary 8/9. Such feature is prominent in other octants as well, e.g. pages 5,11,15,16,21,23 in Att B)