July 23 Run on Data

Here are the output graphs for a run of the clusterer over the data Professor Webb asked me to run it over. We chose to use the C-Means clusterer as it seemed to do better with the Monte Carlo data.

Invariant Mass after the Z Vertex Cut                                                                                    After the CPV

Invariant Mass vs Opening Angle after the Vertex Cut                                                     After the CPV

Invariant mass vs Transverse Momentum after the Vertex cut                                        After the CPV

Number of Iterations to cluster for the Vertex Cut                                                              For those in the CPV group

So, I need to rescale the PT graphs, as the PT axis is about 6 times longer than most other PT axes. So, I've already corrected that error. Yesterday's graphs will be reposted soon with jet and gamma graphs superimposed on the graphs.