Determining Status Tables for Prompt Photon Simulation

BEMC status was queried every hour during the extent of the st_gamma data production stream (10125059 - 10181005) using the StBemcTablesWriter (in StEmcUtil/database).  The resulting histogram was used to select intervals where the BEMC status was relatively constant.  The individual intervals were then weighted by computing the number of st_gamma stream events falling into the interval.

The resulting intervals are



Start Time

(Hours From Run 10125059)

First Run

Final Time

(Hours from Run 10125059)

I 0 10125059 610 37.9%
II 610 10151002 750 5.3%
III 750 10156088 840 9.5%
IV 840 10160054 915 5.6%
V 915 10163043 1330 41.7%


Update: The TPC status tables are bad during Interval IV.  Removing IV, renaming V to IV, and readjusting the weights gives



Start Time

(Hours From Run 10125059)

First Run

Final Time

(Hours from Run 10125059)

I 0 10125059 610 40.1%
II 610 10151002 750 5.6%
III 750 10156088 840 10.1%
IV 915 10163043 1330 44.2%



Update: Surprise!  The TpcRS runs into overflow problems during Interval II that prevent the proper use of the subsequent MuDsts.  As it's no larger than the previously removed interval, it is simply dropped.  Renaming and readjusting (also using a more up to date QA'd run list for the luminosity weighting) gives



Start Time

(Hours From Run 10125059)

First Run

Final Time

(Hours from Run 10125059)

I 0 10125059 610 41.5%
II 750 10156088 840 12.0%
III 915 10163043 1330 46.5%