Minutes from HF meeting 05/MAY/2010

HF meeting minutes 05/11/2010 (Jaro): 

Chris Systematic error in J/Psi analysis :

Chris presented study of major systematic errors in his analysis.

Three comments have been raised:

a) what would be e.g. matching efficiency extracted from embedding with EMC in

b) have a look at electron and positron yield as a funcion of run to get estimate on

    systematic error from run2run fluctuation

c) what is the origin of the bum in nsigma_electron plot om slide 4 around value 2 on x axis


 Rosi   Update on Upsilon analysis 

Rosi performed runbyrun study of  Integrated luminosity determined by trigger 200611. Few runs are problematic, they are removed.

She pointed out the importance of the proper sigma_minbias cross section determination when makig Raa. The proper value is ~3.2 b instead 10 used before.This changes Raa significantly. She will investigate track efficiency using p+p and old embedding since new Upsilon embedding will not be done sooner than July.

Wenqin Update on embedding 

    Currently D0/D0bar running. Can take still 10 days. J/Psi request will be open meanwhile.