HF Meeting 12.02.21

Slide 3:
E-mail from Pibero:
"When I checked the trigger details page:
It shows that the BEMC-HT-th2 are set to 18 from their default value of 19.
But when the trigger simulator queries the online database it gets 19. So
this is clearly some issue with the way the trigger simulator interfaces with
the database. I will investigate with the experts."

Slide 6, 14
Comment from Zebo:
"For hadron, usually the E is less than p, so p/E peak should above 1. I guess the peak at ~0.5 is due to trigger.
Since EMC response has some resolution, for a electron with energy below the trigger, it could be triggered,
so for low energy electron, the trigger always pick up the electron with energy biased to higher energy (to satisfy the trigger)
then the p/E should below 1.

the y axis is p/E * charge, the x-axis is pt
the p/E increase with pt untile high pt, so it would be nice if you could also check the p/E vs. p or E or pT"