HF Meeting 12.07.31

Comments+ Questions


How big is the dataset with electron triggered events?

214k events, which consists of 145k non-photonic and 71k photonic electrons
All the analysis on electron triggered events are done with NPE sample only!

How the result for pT>10 looks like for all events?

D* pT>10 for all events

Try different pT bin like (5.0; 10) GeV/c

D* 5<pT<10 trg events

D* 6<pT<10

D* 8<pT<10

What is the pT spectrum of the triggred electron?

At the moment I have only spectrum up to 10 GeV/c. The over and underflow bins are 5864 and 3924 respectively


Do the PYTHIA simulation for D0 to see the pT spectrum!

Do you have the same cuts as David?

There are few small differences:
 - David takes everything that has the ToF flag > 0 while I'm selecting only if flag==1 || flag==3 which corresponds to one-to-one and one-to-two pads matching with the closer pad selected as valid.
 - David takes tracks with fitPts>20 while I'm accepting everything with fitPts>15

Apart form that I have different event selection (SMD and ranking).