SVT Meeting

04/29/2008 : embedding maker


Quality of hits : it has to be calculated as the ratio between GEANT HIT energy and RECO HIT energy (see below)


When I applied this for SSD hits, I get some ratios > 1.

The reason is the following : if a GEANT particle induces signal on 4 strips (side P for example : s1,s2,s3,s4), then the charge of the GEANT hits is more or less the sum of the strips signal.

(I get (charge GEANT) /(sum strips signal) ~ 95 % ).

During the clusters and hit reconstruction, one or several of those strips may not be include because of the cut on the signal/noise used for the cluster formation.

Then the resulting cluster may have a lower energy (in ADC) than the sum of the signal strips.


Energy vs quality for TPC :


Energy vs quality for SVT :


Energy vs quality for ssd :


For the SSD, instead of the charge of the cluster, I took the sum of the charge + the noise of the cluster.

Even taken the cluster (P or N side) with the highest energy, I still have quality > 100

02/03/2009 : embedding data

check of geant input : file is /star/data06/embed/andrewar/P08id/AuAu/Piplus_101/st_physics_8172033_raw_1020010.geant.root

the next plots show the particle id, the pT range and the eta range

 02/24/2009 :

  1. acceptance of SSD for embedding runs : here
  2. change in SSD code (energy of GEANT hit) :here