D0 embedding

  • embedding request was :


Files are located at :


  • look at the corresponding real data

1. Run 7, ProductionMinBias
2. Primary tracks
3. Event cuts :|zvertex|<10 cm, trigger (200001 ,200003,200013)
4. Tracks cuts :TPC Hits fitted >15 , |η|<1, pT>0.1
5. Plot the fraction of tracks with N=0,1,2,3,4 silicon hits over all tracks in a given (eta,phi) bin
day 125

summary for all the run 7

  • look at the embeeding files

The same macro was used as for the real data but on the embedding file

1. for the directory  D0_125

2.summary for some directories :

The details seq. per seq. is in this pdf file and the values of the summary are here