HFT: cuts studies for Λc reconstruction

 Same strategy as for D+ :

  1. study the track significance St = DCA/σDCA for background (hijing files used for mixing) and for signal; (single Λc per event, power-law pt, 50k)
  2. once a possible cut is found, run the analysis code with this cut and study the distance of daughters to secondary vertex (dca1V)
  3. once a possible cut is found, rerun over the whole sample


1. track significance St = DCA/σDCA

Fig. 1 : St distribution for various cuts

[all the plots below are done for the kaon daughter]

Fig. 2 : same as Fig.1 but zoomed.

A possible cut (right panel) is St > 1.5 

note : it's lower than for the D+ cut.

I also check that the pt distribution of tracks is the same , otherwise the cut could be biased

Fig. 3 : Pt distribution of kaon daughter


2. DCA of daughters to the secondary vertex

Fig. 4 : DCA of daughters to secondary vertex for background and signal

Fig. 5 : DCA of daughters to secondary vertex for background and signal with same cuts when running the analysis code


Fig. 5 is integrated over all Pt but a possible cut would be DCASV < 40 μm


3. Preliminary plots for Λc

As mentioned previously, I've run with the following cuts :

  • signs of tracks fixed 
  • St = DCA/σ > 1.5
  • dcaSV < 50 μm (I kept it loose for a first pass)
  • not all data (~7.5k over 10k events)

 Fig. 6 : invariant mass for several cuts combinations [see text below]

From left to right , top to bottom :

  1. |nσ|< 2
  2. |nσ|< 2 && DecayLength >  100 μm
  3. |nσ|< 2 && DecayLength >  200 μm
  4. |nσ|< 2 && DecayLength/σDecayLength >0
  5. |nσ|< 2 && DecayLength/σDecayLength >5
  6. |nσ|< 2 && DecayLength/σDecayLength >7


Fig. 7 : same as Fig. 6 but with the constraint DCASV [of daughters] < 40 μm [was < 50 μm for Fig. 6]