HFT : pointing resolution with a toy model

 Pointing resolution is defined by :

where the second term is :

The parameters studied here are the thickness x/X0 and the radius of layers r1 and r2

detector radius [cm] hit resolution [μm] thickness [x/X0]
HFT 2.5 - 8 8.6 - 8.6 0.37%
ITS 3.9 - 7.6 12 - 100 0.40%
VTX 2.5 - 5.0 23 -23 1.2%
SVT 6.9 - 10.6 20(80) -20(80) 1.5%

The numbers in parenthesis for the SVT are realistic error , the other are the errors by design 

Fig. 1 : Result for tracks with normal incidence

Fig. 2 : Result for tracks with normal incidence (zoomed)

  1. changing the parameters

For the HFT, I changed the radius of the first layer from 2.5cm ➟ 3cm and the thickness from 0.37%x/X➟ 0.62%x/X0