HFT tracking with TPC+ PXL only

  • upgr15 has been modified to only have the 2 pixel layers (R1 = 2.5 and R2 = 8cm) (modified geometry.g)
  • for now there is no patches applied, ie the pixel has FULL coverage
  • code is DEV
  • test BFC chain with single pions
  • the chain options are : 


root4star -b -q 'bfc.C(1,50,"DbV20090305,trs,upgr15,-ssdfast,pixFastSim,Idst,IAna,l0,tpcI,fcf,Tree,logger,ITTF,Sti,StiRnd,PixelIT




A. Detector config.

Below is a plot from STARSIM showing the TPC and PXL


A.1 patches

The following are GEANT plots for the 2 patches.

I have defined (properly) the files pixlgeo13.g (adjacent) and pixlgeo14.g (mercedes) under /pams/geometry/pixlgeo and make the appropriate changes in /pams/geometry/geometry/geoemtry.g to call one or the other config.

HOW-TO make an .h file for a given geometry using starsim (from Jason Webb's blog)


# First create the geometry tag in starsim
$ starsim
starsim > detp geom upgr15
starsim > gclos all
starsim > grfile upgr15.rz
starsim > exit

# Now we have the geometry in a ZERBRA file... to go to ROOT
$ g2root upgr15.rz
$ root upgr15.C
Now :
  1. move the upgr15.C to upgr.h 
  2. create a dir. StarDb/AgiGeometry
  3. 3 move upgr15.h in that directory in order that Sti looks first in this local directory


Some commands to view geom. in agml

To print the list of all volumes in a geom. :


result :


Collection name='TObjArray', class='TObjArray', size=256

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        HALL    Top volume

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        CAVE    CAVE TGeoPcon 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        ETTV    ETTV TGeoTube 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        ETRV    ETRV TGeoTube 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        ETRD    ETRD TGeoTubeSeg 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        TRAD    TRAD TGeoTubeSeg 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        TABS    TABS TGeoTubeSeg 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        TBOD    TBOD TGeoTubeSeg 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        ETFV    ETFV TGeoTube 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        ETOF    ETOF TGeoTubeSeg 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        TBOX    TBOX TGeoTubeSeg 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        TGAS    TGAS TGeoTubeSeg 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        TPCB    TPCB TGeoTubeSeg 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        TGLA    TGLA TGeoTubeSeg 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        TGAP    TGAP TGeoTubeSeg 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        ECLV    ECLV TGeoTube 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        TECL    TECL TGeoTubeSeg 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        TEAA    TEAA TGeoTubeSeg 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        TEAB    TEAB TGeoTubeSeg 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        SCIN    SCIN TGeoTubeSeg 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        FSCE    FSCE TGeoBBox 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        FSCT    FSCT TGeoBBox 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        TUTR    TUTR TGeoBBox 

 OBJ: TGeoVolume        ABOX    ABOX TGeoBBox 


To draw the HALL with root GL viewer :




B. track pointing resolution

We should also look at the hit pulls to see what are the difference ,and pulls of the hit wrt the track projection 

--> in progress

 * update 11/7 : look at Sti residuals using .tags files

2 samples :

  1. 500 pions per event (flat Pt in [0,5], flat in |y|<1) with full pixel + ssd ; 50 events
  2. 500 pions per event (flat Pt in [0,5], flat in |y|<1) with full pixel  ; 50 events

Coordinates in Sti are defined as :

  1. X : radius
  2. Y :r/phi along the detector
  3. Z : z along beam axis

A schema is here

Residuals = difference of Hit position and the track projection, for a given layer


For PXL only :

C. patches in SL08f

some results for single tracks, not yet hijing