use of StarBASE to plot detector material

from J. Webb's page 

# Checkout and compile the StarBASE library

$ cvs co StarVMC/StarBASE

$ cons


# Create symbolic links for convenience

$ ln -s StarVMC/StarBASE/macros/ .

$ ln -s StarVMC/StarBASE/macros/ .


# Get the options for the two codes

$ ./ --help

$ ./ --help


# Run the code for two geometry tags which you are interested in comparing

$ ./ --phimin=-1.5 --phimax=+1.5 --geom=y2006 

$ ./ --phimin=-1.5 --phimax=+1.5 --geom=y2006h

note : y2006, y2006h geometry files must be created and placed where you run

# Generate a comparison of the two geometries

$ ./differential --base=y2006 --geom=y2006h


# Examine in more details changes made to specific volumes

$ ./differential --base=y2006 --geom=y2006h --volume=SVTT

$ ./differential --base=y2006 --geom=y2006h --volume=EMSS

$ ./differential --base=y2006 --geom=y2006h --volume=CALB
  • setup starbase.C :
this macro has a setup where you can choose the phi,eta range (and the binning) :
 //-- Default configuration
const Float_t eta_min = -6.0;  // min pseudorapidity
const Float_t eta_max = +6.0;  // max pseudorapidity
const Float_t deta    = 0.02;  // size of etabin
//const Float_t phi_min =-1.00; // min phi (in degrees)
//const Float_t phi_max =+1.00; // max phi (in degrees)
const Float_t phi_min =-15.000; // min phi (in degrees)
const Float_t phi_max =+15.000; // max phi (in degrees)
const Float_t dphi    = 0.120; // size of phibin (in degrees)
const Float_t nsample = 4.0;   // number of tracks / bin
This is useful for plotting details in small phi and not loose resolution
  • upgr15 material length

The following pdf shows, for each of the GEANT volumes :

  1. SFMO = SSD
  2. PXMO = PXL
  3. IBMO = IST

the radiation length vs :

  1. phi
  2. eta
  3. r
  4. z

The setup I've chosen is :

  1. -6 < eta < 6 with binning deta=0.1
  2. -1.5 < phi < 1.5 with binning dphi=1
  3. 50 geantinos in each of the 12/0.1=120 * 3/1=3 = 360 bins

Feb. , 4th

PXMO volumes vs phi : here

|eta|<.2, deta=0.1, |phi|<180, dphi=.05 ntrig=100

PXMO volumes vs eta,z,R  : here

|eta|<6, deta=0.1, |phi|<.1, dphi=.1, ntrig=100


Feb, 13th

to modify the binning of histograms / add anothers :

in StMCStepping.cxx :


hRadlenHist1D_r[ vid ] = new TH1D( Form("h_radlen_%s_r",vname), Form("Depth vs r [%s];r [cm];L/#chi_{0}",vname), 500,0.0,+500.0);



to modify the position of z vertex :

in StarBASE.cxx


mGenerator->SetGenerator( nsample, 48, 10, 10, eta-deta/2, eta+deta/2, phi-dphi/2, phi+dphi/2, 0., 0., "G" );