instructions for StPxlDbMaker

1) Introduction

This maker is used to calculate the rotations matrices associated to each PXL sensors.
Rotation matrices are used for global(STAR) to local(SENSOR) transformation.
The make uses geometry tables (for now ideal tables from simulations) to place the PXL on IDS, each PXL sector on Half ,etc ...

The relationship between tables and their meaning is below :

2) tables
a) gen
For now : Tpc2Global, Ids2Tpc, Pxl2Ids, DShell2Ids, Sector2DShell are unitary matrix. It means there is no rotation and no translation.
These are placeholders for future measurements.

b) Ladder2Sector table
This table has 40 entries ( --> # of ladders ) and place each ladder in (X,Y) coordinates

c) Sensor2Ladder
This table place the 10 sensors (of each ladder) along the Z coordinate
It has 400 entries (10sectors * 4 ladders * 10 sensors) which are recognized later in the code by their Id :
    id = 1000 * sector + ladder * 100 + sensor
    with 1<=sector<=10
    id goes from 1101 to 10410

3) how-to
a) code
To run this maker ,StRoot/StBFChain/BigFullChain.h has to include pxlDb option.

  {"Event"       ,  "","","MakeEvent",                          "","","Request to initialize event",kFALSE},
  {"pxlDb"      ,"pxlDb","","tpcDb","StPxlDbMaker","StPxlDbMaker","Load and run PxlDbMaker",        kFALSE},
   ,                               "StPxlSimMaker","StPxlSimMaker","FastPixelSimulator",kFALSE},
Then when running the BFC chain, the maker should be called prior the reconstruction in the pxlFast maker
root4star -b -q 'StRoot/macros/bfc.C(1,10,"y2013,AgML,ITTF,Sti,tpcI,TpcFastSim,pxlDb,pxlFastSim,-ssdfast,VFMCE,
b) Tables
You also need to have in the directory where you run the BFC chain a StarDb directory with the following tree.
The maker access locally this directory to find the tables :

 04/11/2013 : update after Calib. meeting (04/07/2013)
Updated version of the maker is at :
Changes :

  1. tables name are updated according the templates in CVS
  2. added timestamp according to simulation : *.20121215.C (see Jerome's email)

The How-to remains almost the same. The only correction ( pointed by Hao during the meeting) is the PXL BFC option missing in the chain above.
The 2 BFC options to include the PXL in tracking are below  :

root4star -b -q 'StRoot/macros/bfc.C(1,10,"y2013,AgML,ITTF,Sti,tpcI,StiRnD,PixelIT,TpcFastSim,pxlDb,pxlFastSim,-ssdfast,VFMCE,

UML diagram of the StPxlDbMaker class (test, not sure about gStPxDbMaker pointer representation)