residuals plot : w and w/o PXL in tracking

sample : 200events, 20 pions/event
 detp geom y2013
 gexec .$STAR_HOST_SYS/lib/
 gclose all
 user/vxyz 0.001 0.001 0.01
 user/vsig 0.01 0.1
 gfile o debug6.fz
 aguser/gkine 20 8 0.1 5.0 -1.0 1.0 0 6.28
 trig 200
bfc chain 
without PXL in tracking :
.x StRoot/macros/bfc.C(1,200,"y2013,AgML,ITTF,Sti,tpcI,TpcFastSim,pxlDb,pxlFastSim,-ssdfast,VFMCE,McEvent,geant, 
with PXL in tracking : .x StRoot/macros/bfc.C(1,200,"y2013,AgML,ITTF,Sti,tpcI,StiRnD,PixelIT,TpcFastSim,pxlDb,pxlFastSim,-ssdfast,VFMCE, McEvent,geant,IdTruth,fzin,NoSvtIt,NoSsdIt,-StiPulls,Bana,-tags,clearmem,evout,McEvOut,MiniMcMk, McAna,MakeEvent","debug6.fz") 

1) with PXL in tracking
a) Correlation

b) difference

c) vs Z

2)without PXL in tracking
a) correlation

b) difference

c) vs Z