simulation with StarGenerator framework

last presentation of Jason Webb : collaboration meeting 2013

goal : setup hijing simulation
The main part of the work is done by the macro :
where :
  • the hijing event is setup : choice of collision species, impact parameter
  • some cuts on the event , when the fzd is created, are possible
At the end, it creates a .fzd and .root file for the event(s) produced


1) setup the # of events 

void starsim( Int_t nevents=50)

2) setup which geometry and using AgML

TString simple = "y2012 geant gstar usexgeom agml ";

3) here we setup the event generator where additional cuts are possible via StarPrimaryMaker class

primary = new StarPrimaryMaker();

4) This function is used for the collision setup

void Hijing()
  StarHijing *hijing = new StarHijing("hijing");
  hijing->SetTitle("Hijing 1.383");


  hijing->SetImpact(0.0, 30.0);

  primary -> AddGenerator(hijing);
  primary -> SetCuts( 1.0E-6 , -1., -1.5, +1.5 );
second goal : run hijing + BFC in 1 go
By modying the chain option to run the PXL reco as well :
TString simple  = "y2013_1 geant gstar usexgeom agml tfs MakeEvent ITTF Sti Idst IAna Tree logger genvtx big fzin clearmem";

It breaks with the following error :

BFC:ERROR - TPluginManager::FindHandler : Cannot find plugin handler for TVirtualStreamerInfo! Does $ROOTSYS/etc/plugins/TVirtualStreamerInfo exist?
BFC:FATAL - TUnixSystem::DispatchSignals : segmentation violation
Root > Function starsim() busy flag cleared
Function bfc() busy flag cleared

Function bfc() busy flag cleared
Looking at some root forums, the following suggestion was to add : 


Now it runs fine but it seems that no input file is used during the BFC reco.