HFT simulation : DEV14 , PP

Previous BFC chain was :

root4star -b -q 'bfc.C(1,1,"dev14,AgML,Idst,BAna,l0,tpcI,fcf,ftpc,Tree,logger,ITTF,Sti,StiRnD,PixelIT,IstIT,TpcFastSim,pxlDb,pxlFastSim,i

It was taken from here (y2006 MC)
But the issue was it crashes when I increased 1) the # of events or 2) the # of tracks per event
A more recent chain , and using TPC slow sim , is below :
gdb root4star <<EOF 
run 'bfc.C(1,1,"tpcRS dev14 MakeEvent ITTF NoSsdIt NoSvtIt Idst BAna l0 ftpc pmd Tree logger Sti genvtx tpcDB TpcHitMover TpxClu bbcSim b
tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem","dev14_ist_ssd_pix_singleTrack_v2.fz")'

1) PP simulation with DEV14 (PXL,IST,SSD)
I used 
to create 200 PP events with the following setup :
 primary->SetVertex( 0., 0., 0. );
 primary->SetSigma( 0.1, 0.1, 5.0 );//jb
A quick QA of the .fzd file is here

2) StiPulls

run over 100 events with the following chain :
dev14 tpcRS AgML MakeEvent ITTF NoSvtIt StiRnD PixelIT IstIT SsdIT Idst BAna l0 ftpc pmd Tree logger Sti genvtx 
tpcDB TpcHitMover pxlDb pxlFastSim istDb istFastSim ssdfast TpxClu bbcSim btofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth 
geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem MyAnalysis StiPulls","../DEV14/FREEZE/pythia8.starsim.fzd

note : Pulls plots are in [cm], Pulls Resolution have no dimension

Pulls in r/φ an Z for PXL inner
Pulls resolution in r/φ an Z for PXL inner

Pulls in r/φ an Z for PXL outer
Pulls resolution in r/φ an Z for PXL outer

Pulls in r/φ an Z for IST
Pulls resolution in r/φ an Z for IST

Pulls in r/φ an Z for SSD
Pulls resolution in r/φ an Z for SSD
Comments :
  • some pulls resolution plots (PXL inner) are quite large (deviation from 1)
  • pulls for SSD are large (pulls = Hit - Fit, should be ~ SSD hit errors)
  • IST pulls resolution in r/φ is underestimated but other plots look good.
  • I used the UPGR15 values for the PXL and IST hit errors
PXL hits errors
 Double_t sigma_x = 0.00086; //  8.6 mkm
 Double_t sigma_z = 0.00086; // 8.6 mkm
IST hits errors
  Double_t sigma_x = 0.017; 
  Double_t sigma_z = 0.17;

3) BFC chain : tests
Several tests :
  1. hijing events + TPC fast sim
  2. hijing events + TPC slow sim
  3. single track events + TPC fast sim
  4. single track events + TPC slow sim
Options for TPC slow sim :
"dev14 tpcRS AgML MakeEvent ITTF NoSvtIt StiRnD PixelIT IstIT SsdIT Idst BAna l0 ftpc pmd Tree logger Sti  genvtx tpcDB TpcHitMover pxlDb pxlFastSim istDb istFastSim ssdfast TpxClu bbcSim btofsim tags emcY2 EEfs  evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem MyAnalysis StiPulls"

Options for TPC fast sim :
"dev14 tpcfastsim AgML MakeEvent ITTF NoSvtIt StiRnD PixelIT IstIT SsdIT Idst BAna l0 ftpc pmd Tree logger Sti  genvtx tpcDB pxlDb pxlFastSim istDb istFastSim ssdfast bbcSim btofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth  geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem MyAnalysis StiPulls"

Results : StiPulls
Each pdf file shows :
  1. pulls in Y,Z  for PXL innner
  2. Pulls resolution in Y,Z  for PXL inner
  3. pulls in Y,Z  for PXL outer
  4. Pulls resolution in Y,Z  for PXL outer
  5. pulls in Y,Z  for IST
  6. Pulls resolution in Y,Z  IST
  7. pulls in Y,Z  for SSD
  8. Pulls resolution in Y,Z  SSD
test 1 : results
test 2 : results
test 3 : results
test 4 : results

  • Test 3 and Test 4 (single track events) show the same result : puls in Y for PXL inner and PXL outer layers are slightly shifted by ~40 microns.
  • the shift seems to appear only for dY
  • pulls in Z for PXL outer layer are quite strange for both minbias events and single tracks events.