StPxlDBMaker : instructions for review

purpose of the maker :
  1. retrieve survey tables to position the PXL in STAR
  2. provide an external pointer gStPxlDbMaker to access the TGeoHMatrix for all sensor
  3. retrieve pxlSensorStatus and pxlRowColumnStatus tables
documentation : pxl geometry tables 

instruction to run :
1) get StPxlDbMaker from CVS
code is in offline/hft area :
cvs co offline/hft/StRoot
2) get the following codes :

PxlFastSimMaker has been modified to use gStPxlDbMaker and ouput the TGeoHMatrix to compare with the ROOT geometry

StarDb/Geometry/pxl contains all the survey tables for y2013 simulation


3) compile and run : sh > log