gain calibration run 15

15 pulser runs were taken on Feb,24th (run 16055075 to 16055093)
This pdf file shows :
  • top  : ladder Id's vs channel Id's (x-axis) : 4 channels / A128 chip are usually fired so we should see 4 bands (left panel = P side ; right panel = N side)
  • bottom : signal [ADC] vs channel Id's (x-axis) (left panel = P side ; right panel = N side)
Comments :
  • there are some runs were no pulsers are seen (calibration not possible)
  • there are pulsers were only 1 pulser is seen on N-side (calibration still possible)
  • when both P and N sides have pulsers, the amplitude of the signal is much bigger on N-side : it was not expected (am i missing a detail during the configuration of these runs ?)
As it stands right now, the gain calibration for run15 using these pulsers runs is not possible.