Run14 data+SSD in fast-offline environment

  1. some updates have been done to the SST code over the last 2 weeks (StSstDaqMaker, StSstUtil)
  2. therefore the latest stable library (starnew , SL15k) does not include them
  3. however they are not crucial and are not a show-stopper
  4. 2 possibilities 
  • a) run in SL15k without them
  • b) run win SL15k with patch from DEV for these makers
note : SST codes do not exist for library < starnew (i.e. star pro (SL15e) and star old (SL15c))

For b) : I have cvs co the makers from DEV and compiled in star pro

BFC is run with :
It is the chain used for daily FastOffline :

more /star/rcf/test/dev/daq_sl302.ittf/Wed/year_2014/AuAu200_production_low_2014/st_physics_15164004_raw_2000022.log
Processing bfc.C(500,"P2014a,mtd,btof,pxlHit,istHit,sstHit,BEmcChkStat,QAalltrigs,CorrX,OSpaceZ2,OGridLeak3D,-hitfilt","st_physics_15164004_raw_2000022.daq")

Results : 
There are a couple of daw files from run 14 available at :

I have run (10 events) with EventQA option to make the eventQa plots. A plot of X-Y of PXL,IST and SST hits is below.

(it works)

If needed, the 2 makers (compiled in starnew) are here :