SSD hot chip table

Masking table for SSD chip.

1) The structure is based on the PXL pxlHotPixels table where only the address of pixel to flag is written to table
struct ssdHotChips {
  unsigned long hotChip[3840]; /* side*2000 + ladder[0-19]*96 wafer[0-15]*6 + chip[1-6]*/
The table has a size of 3840 elements : 2(side) * 20(ladder) * 16(wafer) * 6(chips)

2)Table is initialized in StSstDbMaker :
Int_t StSstDbMaker::InitRun(Int_t runNumber) {
  mode = m_Mode;
  St_ssdHotChips *hotChips = (St_ssdHotChips *)GetDataBase("Calibrations/ssd/ssdHotChips");
  if (hotChips) {
    std::cout << "ssd hot chips table found ... initialize" << std::endl;
  else {LOG_WARN << " no pxl hot pixels table " << endm; return kStErr;} 

3) A map is built with setHotChips() method in order to be accessible from another maker :
void StSstDbMaker::setHotChips(ssdHotChips_st *hotChipsTable)
  for(Int_t i=0; i<3840; i++){ 
      mMapHotChips.insert ( std::pair<unsigned long, short>(hotChipsTable[0].hotChip[i],i) ); 
      std::cout <<" i / val : " << i << " " << hotChipsTable[0].hotChip[i] << endl;
    else break;

4) Access from another maker is done using the method chipHot()

Int_t StSstDbMaker::chipHot(Int_t side, Int_t ladder, Int_t wafer, Int_t chip) const
  map<unsigned int,short>::const_iterator got;
  got = mMapHotChips.find(side*2000 + ladder*96 + wafer*6 + chip+1);
  if ( got == mMapHotChips.end() ) {
    return 0;
  else {
    return 1;

5)To remove a chip during StSstDaqMaker :

 //get access to hot chips table 
      std::cout <<" ladder[0-19]/wafer[0-15]/chip[0-5]/side[0-1]/status : " << ladder << " " << wafer <<" " << chip <<" " <<
      id_side <<" " << gStSstDbMaker->chipHot(id_side,ladder,wafer,chip+1) << endl;

6) A test entry looked like this :

TDataSet *CreateTable() {
  if (!gROOT->GetClass("St_ssdHotChips")) return 0;
  ssdHotChips_st row;
  St_ssdHotChips *tableSet = new St_ssdHotChips("ssdHotChips",1);
  row.hotChip[0]=1;   //L0W0C1P
  row.hotChip[1]=6;   //L0W0C6P
  row.hotChip[2]=7;   //L0W1C1P
  row.hotChip[3]=96;  //L0W15C6P  
  row.hotChip[4]=97;  //L1W0C1P  
  row.hotChip[5]=2037; //L0W6C1N  
  // tempo
  for(int i=6;i<3840;++i) row.hotChip[i] = 0;
  // ----------------- end of code ---------------
  return (TDataSet *)tableSet;
Especially the last entry is the 1st chip of wafer 5 ladder 0 side N (index = 2037)
The result of running the DaqMaker without and with the hot chips masking : bin around 37 (Y-axis) is masked.

blah balh