SST alignment Y2014

1) Setup
  • run BFC chain over real data (AuAu) ; PXL and IST included in tracking ;500 events
  • StHftPool maker included to make residuals on the SST layer (hit position - track projection, local coordinates)
  • BFC chain : 
  • data : /star/data03/daq/2014/160/15160040/st_physics_15160040_raw_1000026.daq
2) Residuals
During last week's HFT workshop, it was suggested to apply quality cuts ,in order to reduce the combinatoric background, such as :
  1. track Pt
  2. centrality (cut via # track)
  3. # of PXL, IST hits
  4. TOF information
Next plots are the residuals in r/phi, Z and the correlation between the hit positions and the track projections

a) no cuts

b) with cut on Pt (Pt > .5)

c) with cuts on # of tracks (# tracks < 500)

d) with b) and c)

e) with cuts on PXL, IST hits
cut is :
(istFit==1 && pxlFit>0) || (istFit==0 && pxlFit>1)

f) with TOF information

3) Residuals vs ladder Id
a ) Using the cut : Pt>.5 && # Tracks <500 
the plot shows the residuals in r/phi (dU) vs. ladder Id
The sine shape suggests a mis-alignment of the overall SST barrel of the order of 1mm

b) Using the cut : PXL,IST hits && # tracks <500
This cut offers a similar background suppression as the cut above

4) Comparison with a cut  on #(PXL+IST)>2 (statistic increased 1kevents)

a) with out cut
Default cut is : # tracks < 500 && pt>.05 : distribution of residuals ; correlation of residuals

b) with cut
Based on this plot
cut is : # tracks < 500 && pt>.05 && (pxl+ist)>2 : distribution of residuals ; correlation of residuals 

5) Residual vs. Z global
Cut : # tracks < 500 && pt>.05 && (pxl+ist)>2

Both dU = xL - xLP (residuals in r/phi) and dV = zL -zLP (residual in Z) do not show a dependence with zGlobal

6) PASS 0
PASS 0 consists in an overall shift of the SST barrel by dY = -0.5 cm, applied in sstOnOsc table

DataSet *CreateTable() {  
// ==================================================================== 
  if (!gROOT->GetClass("St_Survey")) return 0; 
  //PASS0 : Translation Y - 0.05 cm  
  Survey_st row = {1, 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1, 0,-0.05,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"ideal position"}; 
    St_Survey *tableSet = new St_Survey("sstOnOsc",1); 
    tableSet->AddAt(&row.Id, 0); 
    // ----------------- end of code --------------- 
    return (TDataSet *)tableSet; 
with survey tables :

pass 0 :