SST fast sim acceptance

In the fast simulator, MC hits are not written to StEvent if they fall outside the active areas of the wafer after the hits smearing.
Smearing values are (in local) :
  • 30 microns in r/phi
  • 800 microns in Z

There are 2 inactive areas to be considered (as shown here)
  • border of the wafer
  • triangle area due to strips crossing
Simulation :
  • 200 events
  • 100 pions per events with 0<Pt<5GeV/c
  • y2014a geometry, StSstFastSimMaker, DEV

Fig1 : dX = xL - xL (after smearing)

Fig2 : dZ = zL - zL (after smearing)

Fig3 : ratio of hits in active area after smearing over the # MC hits input

Fig4 : same as Fig3 but zoomed

Test w/o smearing the hits (will test only the removal of hits due to inactive areas)

Black : without smearing (mean_histo = 0.998)
red : with smearing (mean_histo = 0.978)