SST : run15 QA update

Histrograms added to StSstMonMaker :
  • <hits> per wafer : number of reconstructed hits
  • <p-clusters Size> : size of clusters on P-side as a number of strips (note that this quantity is already truncated to 4(max) when writting to StEvent
  • <n-clusters Size> : size of clusters on N-side as a number of strips (note that this quantity is already truncated to 4(max) when writting to StEvent
These varaibles are the meaningful and available from StSstHitCollection
Example is below for a given wafer (the 4th pad plots everything) :

The QA plots for the entire wafers (320) are here.

More runs and the 1sigma to 5sigma lines have been added

New pdf file for all wafers here

Update 2
final plot for ppLong period

Removal of outlier will be based on <nHits> (no consideration about <cluster_size>), criteria (1 to 5 sigma) will be decided after running the whole run 15.
Geometry/sstWaferConfiguration table should be updated with the removed wafers
New pdf file for all wafers : here 

Update 3:
2 new issues
1) files are listed in 5 directories :


The issue is that find will order by data76 --> 77 --> 78 --> 79 --> 80 and my macro to find unique elements compares the runnumber.

2) there are files for the same runumber : it increases the size of files to analyze

A small command line to sort the files by runnumber :

find /star/data*/reco/production_pAl200_2015/ReversedFullField/P15il_HFT/2015/*/*/st_ssdmb_adc_*.event.root | sort -t '/' -k 10 > run15_calib_order_unique.txt

Example after re-ordering :


Then a small macro to remove duplicate (1 file / runnumber)


result :
original list --> 1114 files (pAl200)
re-ordered + unique --> 132 files (pAl200)

Update 4
All runs (2408) analyzed , threshold set to mean*2

Details per wafer is here