StiSsd reshape

from the CVSROOT version :
  1. (re)modelled with respect StiIst version
  2. added useVMCGeometry()
  3. new version tested : /star/institutions/ksu/bouchet/StiSsd
new :
  1. StiSsd uses ssdWafersPosition table to place in r/phi all the 20 ladders. This table has the TGeoHMatrix for the 20 ladders. The code calls StSsdDbMaker to build the "ssd" object.
  2. However we have new geometry tables now (see here and here) : we plan to rename the maker StSstDbMaker to use these new tables.
tests :
  1. run BFC chain with StiSsd CVSROOT version and this new one
  2. compare the # of SSD hits per tracks
BFC chain (using SSD fast simulator ) :
"tpcRS y2014 AgML MakeEvent ITTF VFMCE ssdfast SsdIt NoSvtIt Idst BAna l0 Tree logger Sti tpcDB TpcHitMover 
TpxClu bbcSim btofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem"
sample : 20 events, 1 muon @1GeV per event
  macro muon ev num
 detp geometry y2014
 gexec $STAR_LIB/
 make gstar
 gclose all 
 debug on
 myPID = 5
 utime=$SHELL('date +%s')
 Rndm [utime] [myPID]
 user/vxyz 0.01 0.01 0.1
 user/vsig 0.01 5
 gfile o test_muon_[ev]_[num].fz
 aguser/gkine [num] 5 1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 0 6.28
 trig [ev]

  1. over 20 muons, 18 pass the cuts ( meaning 18 TPC tracks)
  2. with both codes, there are 6 SSD hits on tracks and 12 tracks that have no SSD hits : plot 
  3. however, the SSDHitCollection shows only 8 entries (hits saved from the SsdFastSimMaker) so it makes a 6/8 ratio : plot