StiSst : some tests

  • StiSsd code renamed StiSst + changes by Dmitri. However the structure of directories remains the same : StiSsd/StiSsdDetectorBuilder ... but now contains StiSsd/StiSstDetectorBuilder too
  • StSsdDbMaker : renamed StSstDbMaker + use of new geometry tables (mostly naming changes)
  • test with StSsdFastMaker 
  • StBFChain : SstIT --> StiSst --> StSstDbMaker + StiSsd (it should still call StiSsd because StiSstDetectorbuilder and others are in this directory)
  • StiMaker : include StiSstDetectorGroup (+others) and StSstDbMaker ; then the condition to built StSstDetectoGroup is : useSst && gStSstDbMaker
BFC chain from Xin , modified to test only SST

2) repass (2014-05-18)
  • cannot have StiSsd/StiSsdDetectorGroup that contains both StiSsdDetectorGroup and StiSstDetectorGroup so I copied StiSsdDetectorGroup, StiSsdIsActiveFunctor, StiSsdLinkDef to StSst* and changed the names.
  • have to include ssdDb options in the BFC chain list
A summary of the BFC chain (1 event) and the SST options is here

3) test of T-by-T spacecharge estimator

sample : 10event with 40 pions each
bfc :
"tpcRS,y2014,AgML,MakeEvent,tables,SimuDb,ITTF,VFMinuit,Idst,BAna,l0,Tree,logger,Sti,sstDb,SstIT,ssdfast, TpcHitMover,TpxClu,bbcSim,btofsim,-tags,emcY2,EEfs,evout,geantout,IdTruth,geant,big,fzin,clearmem,SCScalerCal,goptSCE100051" bfc :
"tpcRS,y2014,AgML,MakeEvent,tables,SimuDb,ITTF,VFMinuit,Idst,BAna,l0,Tree,logger,Sti,sstDb,-SstIT,ssdfast, TpcHitMover,TpxClu,bbcSim,btofsim,-tags,emcY2,EEfs,evout,geantout,IdTruth,geant,big,fzin,clearmem,SCScalerCal,goptSCE100051"
plot using Gene's code to show the Dmetric vs. zB : here

4) other test
  1. run BFC chain with the inactiveMaterial in StiSst
  2. run BFC chain without the inactiveMaterial in StiSst
  3. run BFC chain without StiSst ( = no tracking with Sst)
plots show the q/Pt quantity (from Gene's script) for 1. vs 3. and 1. vs 2.