StiSst : test of geometry w/o overlaps

Following last week's meeting, I have rerun the BFC chain and compared the dmetric and StiPulls for :
  1. default geometry (as in DEV)
  2. geom.1 : geometry with 2 huge overlaps removed (see link above)
  3. single SSD barrel
1) Dmetric vs. Z

2) Dmetric vs. #phi

3) StiPulls for TPC only (using mHitsG branch)
a) pulls in Y and Z

b) pulls resolution in Y and Z

4) StiPulls for TPC+SSD-geom. 1(using mHitsR branch)
a) pulls in Y and Z

b) pulls in Y and Z

5) StiPulls for TPC+SSD-single barrel (using mHitsR branch)

a) pulls in Y and Z

b) pulls resolution in Y and Z

Comments :
  1. pulls for TPC only are better than pulls for TPC+SSD-geom1 or TPC+SSD-single
  2. pulls resolution for TPC are closed to 1 (sigma of gaus)
  3. pulls for TPC+SSD-geom 1 are worst than TPC alone
  4. pulls resolution for TPC+SSD-geom1 are bad !
  5. pulls for TPC+SSD-single are worst than TPC alone but better than TPC+SSD-geom1
  6. pulls resolution for TPC+SSD-single are closed to 1