StSstMonMaker : pass 2


Description: monitor and QA maker :
    1) when run over daq file --> strips, clusters and points histograms are filled
    2) when run over .event.root, only points histograms (from StEvent/StSstHitCollection) are filled

Some other cosmetic changes have been done (compared to StSstMONMaker) to have the same coding style as StPxlMonMaker and StIstQAMaker

tested with these 2 chains :

run over daq file
#root4star -b -q 'bfc.C(1,100,"in,event,sstHit,sstMon","/star/data03/daq/2015/094/16094050/st_ssdmb_16094050_raw_1000005.daq")'

# run over .event.root file
root4star -b -q 'bfc.C(1,100,"in,event,sstMon","st_ssdmb_16094050_raw_1000005.event.root")'