updates to HFT-CA codes

GOAL : modified codes to work in a (more) stable library -> revert to starnew (SL15i, new compiler gcc 4.8.2)
codes at :
Changes done in :
  1. pams/sim/g2t tables ( g2t_pix.F, g2t_ist.F, g2t_ssd.F) ; reason is because the generated hits are saved in local coordinates but the CA codes needs global coordinates
  2. StRoot/StPxlSimMaker, StRoot/StIstSimMaker : since hits are saved in global coordinates now, discard the 1st LocalToGlobal transformation (alternative : GlobalToLocal --> smearing in local --> LocalToGlobal)
  3. added sst codes : StSstFastSimMaker, StSstDbMaker
  4. cvs co StRoot/StBFChain and added CAMaker, sstfast option
  5. ssd hit --> sst hit in StCAMaker
1) g2t tables :
      logical   Local/.false./ ! local coords requested by pixel group 10/11/13 jcw
      if (g2t_pix_hit_h.maxlen.le.0) return
      g2t_pix_hit_h.nok = 0

      call G2R_GET_SYS ('PIXL','PLAC',Iprin,Idigi)
       if (Iprin.lt.0) go to 99
       Local  = Idigi.ge.2

2) hits smearing

I have re-enabled the hits smearing for PXL, IST and SST.
How it works : 
  1. hits are moved into local coordinates via TGeoHMatrix (globalPos-->localPos)
  2. X,Z poistions are smeared according their respective resolution (localPos --> localPosSmeared)
  3. hits are moved back to global coordinates (localPosSmeared --> globalPosSmeared)
example for 3 PXL hits (1st station) 

no smearing :

-0.798798 2.75051 5.70582 
1.44e-06 0 1.44e-06 
0 0 1.85344 
-2.26155 7.74499 6.22461 
1.44e-06 0 1.44e-06 
1 1 1.8549 

-3.13084 -0.55507 3.58944 
1.44e-06 0 1.44e-06 
0 2 -2.96613 
with smearing :

-0.799565 2.75057 5.70552
1.44e-06 0 1.44e-06
0 0 1.85369

-2.26137 7.74499 6.22588
1.44e-06 0 1.44e-06
1 1 1.85488
-3.13107 -0.555622 3.58859
1.44e-06 0 1.44e-06
0 2 -2.96597
Differences are every small as expected.

3) codes, how-to
to compile :
1) copy code below
2) log in starnew
3) cons pams
4) cons StRoot
(better to compile pams first, meaning w/o StRoot and then copy StRoot and compile)