FMS Replacement Boards Outline

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41 more bases needed

     -8 ready for final gluing/testing here

     -8 broken bases from BNL?

     -16 resistive bases (radius larger than cell)

     -Assuming that we can get on the order of 5 of the FMS done relatively quickly

             -12 more bases if we use the larger resistive bases

             -28 more otherwise



      -January 24: install all active bases before longitudinal run

      -Febuary 28: all bases need to be produced



      -Signal wires should be easy to source

      -HV wires

              -By using extras and taking from old bases should have on order of 10 here

              -minimum voltage rating: 5 kV, looking for similar size as old cables

              -Other specifications?

              -Amount to order? (25?)

              -Lemo/SHV connectors?


Production Time

     -2 weeks to produce boards (expedited options? (1 week))

              -Amount to order? (40?)

     -30 minutes to remove a board from the pins

     -? to reconnect them all and solder capacitors/ tiny resistors

     -20 minutes to make the other soldering necessary

     -3 days for coating/glueing/testing (can do all 30 boards in one sitting)


Proposed Plan

     -Order enough boards/wires to be able to finish without large resistive bases

     -Try to have 12 new bases by Jan 24th for longitudinal run

     -By beginning of transverse be able to hopefully replace all the large resistive bases