Run 15 Spin QA Update 2

 Here is a list of fills marked as bad for the run 15 2nd pp longitudinal period.

First, outside of the usual fills with only a couple of runs, there were several fills with a run close to the end of the fill. The following fills are fine, just marked due to the extra buffer period we add after the last run in a fill:


Additionly, the following fills had issues. I list the problem encountered along with the fix after the ;

F18923-beam dump happens during fms production run; removed run from fill

F18927-All cosmic runs; removed fill

F18930-Fill begins with comsic runs; remove cosmics and bad emc-check run from begining

F18931-beam dump happens during ZDC polarimetry run; rmeove run

F18941-Beginning patterns inconsistant with fill; removed btow_ht run at start of fill.

F18948-Beginning patterns inconsitant; remove btow_ht and cosmics from start of fill


Finally, I'm not sure the best way to handle the following fills

F18865 - Rotator scan. spin patterns consistant if i remove the bad zdc polarimetry at beginning of fill

F18877 and F18878 - Almost no cdev record for this period. There is one before the beginning of 18877 and one near the very end of 18878 but nothing in between

F18920 - pattern changes during final fms prodution run (artifact in cdev). Can remove run to make V124 files agree, but I'm not sure if I should manually modify the goodList file to adjust endtimes. Taking a look at the upload faq and which documents are actually uploaded, i believe this is the proper course.

Lastly I wanted to talk about bunch crossing checks. After some modificationo of the old code I was able to get the root macro to compile. Additionally by looking through the cdev database I was able to find a fill for both the transverse and the longitudinal (18750 and 18907 respectively ) which had a missing bunch. See     and

However I'm running into an issue finding the MuDst files. The command that is recommended to find them: -keys 'path,filename' -cond 'runnumber=NUMBER, filename=st_physics, filetype=daq_reco_mudst, storage!=HPSS'- onefile -limit 100000 -delim '/' - distinct | nl

returns no results. By removing the filename condition I'm pointed to some files, however the directories that it says the files are listed in ( ex. /home/starlib/home/starreco/reco/production_pp200trans_2015/... ) don't seem to exist.