Run 15 Spin QA Update 4

 This post covers the Run 15 spin QA for the final period, the initial pp longituduinal runs. Of particular note here is that the spin rotators were configured incorrectly for this period. Therefore I do not believe these results will be very useful, but still I include them for completeness.

I believe that after the issues for this period are discussed(see pdf) then spin QA will be complete and ready for upload. However, I believe that bunch crossing QA needs to be done before data is completely usable. Not sure who will do this, but I took the liberty of looking into it. I was able to find a guide from several years ago at However if this is the most recent result there will need to be some updating/debugging of the code, as the first step in the guide does not produce the intended results and the StRoot directory does not compile. Have not looked much deeper than this as of yet.

Here I list the fills that had to have run removed, along with run numbers:

F18676-R16045154, R16045159, R16045160;
F18715-R16057001, R16057002
F18682-Removed entire fill, as it only had 1 production run and 2 steveFMS runs; removing anyting would make checks impossible
F18702-R16053071, R16053072
F18710-R16056014, R16056015
F18711-Removed entire fill, only ZdcPolarimetry runs
F18737-R16062041, R16062043


1. FIlls F18709, F18710, and F18731 have very scarce CDEV records. For the first two the only cdev record comes at 1424931363. For the last the only entry is at 1425356432.

2. Runs 16091041, 16091058 and 16091059 are listed as pplong, however they occur in the middle of the pp transverse period, and in the same fill as runs marked as transverse. I assume this was just an error by the shift crew, and i've done the spin QA with them as transverse.