Weird distirbution in RUN15 day6669 - run QA

- Further QA for the weird splitting distribution in following conditions:
   a. day 6669
   b. detId 10, bottom (* not as strong as detId 10, but detId 11 also shows hint of this splitting behavior)
   c. QA0 condition only (+ Zgg < 0.7)
   d. Separated by each run

- Generally the splitting distribution is a reflection of strong concentration of points in certain position
- Cannot test cell by cell position dependence with current root files. Thus only check run dependence

- Conclusion:
  a. for detId 10, such strong 'splitting' behavior exists in all runs before run " 16069027 ".
  b. for detId 11, only one run ( 16069030 ) has split
  c. One maybe need to remove those runs entirely or remove corresponding part (ex. detId 10, bottom before run 16069027), at least.
      But as shown in previous post (Link), these splitting behavior quickly disappears by just zVtx cut


- detId 10, bottom, QA0, day 6669


- detId 11, bottom, QA0, day 6669