zVtx study
- Update: Jan. 09, 2020 (Zhanwen's bbcZ)
- Update: Dec. 30, 2019
- Testing various zVtx to implement it in jet study
1. BBC zVtx: * Detailed explanation by Akio / by Oleg
a. w/o slewing correction:
- bbcZ = -0.3 * (bbcTdiff - 4096)
- bbcTdiff = muDST->event()->triggerData()->bbcTimeDifference();
b. w/ slewing correction: used Oleg's study and function
2. VPD zVtx: muDST->btofHeader()->vpdVz();
* This is the function used to fill the vpdZ in StJetMaker2009's skim file
* muDST->event()->vpdVz(); : returns only the value ' -1.58819e-23 ', either st_physics or st_fms
1. Common test conditions:
a. st_fms_16080002_raw_1500002.MuDst.root
b. Used all FMS triggers except LED
c. Ran 50,000 events for efficiency check
2. Results:
a. Black: BBC w/o slewing correction (42,974/50,000 = 0.8595)
b. Red: BBC w/ slewing correction (42,616/50,000 = 0.8523)
c. Blue: VPD (13,264/50,000 = 0.2653)
3. Zhanwen's bbcZ functions
a. bbcZ = 633.544 - 0.158 * bbcTdiff (Green)
b. bbcZ = -0.158 (bbcTdiff - 4000) (Magenta) * NOT 4,096?
- ckimstar's blog
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