Preliminary Request: v3 vs y for protons at 3 GeV (CPOD 2022)

Follow up answers to comments/questions after preliminary request:

1) Do the minimum hits required for each subevent cut out some of the peripheral events?

The minimum number of primary TPC tracks for 60% centrality is 16 tracks. My requirements for minimum hits (5 in TPC and total of 14 in the EPD) does not necessarily cut off any centralities that I’m trying to analyze. We still see events higher than 60% passing all cuts. Removing my minimum hits requirements would of course increase the number of events, but these would be events where the event plane angles are not fully reliable in all subevents simultaneously.

However, I did find other minimum hits requirements in my analysis (5 hits in TPC A, which is not used) and this has been removing a relatively small amount of events that are good. This mistake has been corrected and the results are being recalculated. (THIS IS COMPLETE AND THE PLOT SHOWN HERE IS AFTER THIS CORRECTION WAS MADE)

2) Are the cuts used in the 3 GeV light nuclei paper exactly the same as in this analysis? This is necessary to reuse the TPC efficiency values.

I found that there is one difference between our two analyses: they used a r_vertex cut of 2 cm while I am using 1.5 cm. I am in the process of recalculating the TPC efficiency values for protons, deuterons, and tritons. I don’t think this change will have much of an effect on the results in my analysis, including the results I’m requesting for preliminary here. (THIS IS STILL IN PROGRESS AND NOT CORRECTED IN THE EFFICIENCY VALUES)

3) The fit range used for the v3 slope measurements should be tweaked to see what range will work best.

This check will be done for the paper to ensure that the slope measurement will be accurate. Currently I don’t have a reference to the slope measurement in my CPOD slides for the sake of time. The slope measurement may be included in the backup slides if necessary, but my guess is that changing the fit range a little won’t affect the slope measurement much.