Helpful info for getting simulations running

Hello. This blog will consist of some information I have gathered/commands I have run that may help me in the future when I'm lost. Currently, the README I have been following is from Daniel on github. Link:

  • While following the readme, make sure to run 'stardev' before 'source' and 'cons'
  • Not sure if I have to run 'cons' every time I load the environment

Note: winSCP will save many headaches for file management.

Some commands to maybe get where I want to go:

  • cd star-sw-1
  • stardev

Some other READMEs that I have tried to follow:

From this readme, I have tried to sim "particle gun MC". There were several steps underneath:

Results from 'sim/run_batch_fast 1 3':

  • I get the message : 'RZMAKE. OLD RZ format selected for RZDOC' over and over while running. Not sure what is going on here
  • BFC:FATAL - StBFChain::Instantiate() problem with instantiation Maker=[StFcsDbMaker] Name=[fcsDbMkr]
    root4star: .sl73_gcc485/obj/StRoot/StBFChain/StBFChain.cxx:382: virtual Int_t StBFChain::Instantiate(): Assertion `mk' failed.
    sim/run_batch_fast: line 13:  7558 Aborted                 root4star -b -q -l 'sim/fwd_tracking.C( '"${nEvents}"', "sim.fzd", "sim/fast_track.xml" )'

    real    0m2.980s
    user    0m2.021s
    sys     0m0.828s
    mv: cannot stat ‘fast_track.root’: No such file or directory
    mv: cannot stat ‘mltree.root’: No such file or directory
    mv: cannot stat ‘fcstrk.root’: No such file or directory

  • Not going to try the other commands until I can figure out why this one is broken.
  • I might need to add a couple lines of code from the README to this macro as shown in step 2 of 'Setup on RCF'.

Going to talk to Daniel about these errors. In the future, I plan to archive results, errors, and figures on the blog.