Phi Meson Spin Alignment Study

Blog of Plots for the Phi Meson Spin Alignment Study
SQM/Chirality Confrence

Additional Focus Meetings
Focus Meeting 05/23:
Additional 27 GeV Checks 05/25:
Correction Values (compare with Nature):
Check 27 GeV # of events/

200 GeV Comparisons for the Spin Alignment QA Meetings:

FCV Presentations:
FCV 07/10/24: Delta Rho Theta Star and Phi Star:
Spin Alignment Figure Request/Update FCV 05/15/
Spin Alignment Correction Procedure II:
Spin Alignment Correction Procedure:
Progress Summary: 02/21/24:

Previous Presentations for QA with Xin: 
QA Meeting 02/07/24:
QA/Analysis Meeting slide 01/13/24:
QA Meeting 01/12/
QA Meeting 11/30/23:
QA Meeting 11/17/23:
QA Meeting 10/13/23:

Pre-QM 23 Presentations:
QM 2023 Poster:
Raw Yield and Inv Mass Check (FCV) :
QM Preliminary Request (FCV):
Update for QM FCV 0801623 - 081723:
Toy Model Presentation II  062123 for FCV:
Toy Model Presentation I 053123 for FCV: 
First presentation at FCV 040523:

*** Phi Star and Rapidity Dependence *** 
Phi Star Run 11:
3D DataScaling Run11:
Rapidity Dependent Scaling Run 14:

Previous Results: 
<cos> toy model/folding
slides 13-19: fits of our data folding/toy model study of the phi meson kinematic effect on rho00
slide 13 real phi, smeared kinematic, <cos> fits

Momentum/Rapidity Dependence/Phi Meson Angle Dependence:
Run11 200 GeV:
slide 2: cuts and binning details
slide 3: raw results
slides 4+: progress plots <cos> and mass plots

Eta/Rapidity Dependence:
Run 11 200 GeV:
slide 3-5: run 11 200 GeV data results 
slide 6: real and rotate pair <cos> comparison vs. y 
slides 7-8: folding <cos> 
slide 8-12: initial data scaling (cyan) and intial correction green/cyan vs. y
slides 14-19: data folding with and without eta_k cut 
Cyan data in these plots are from data scaling without Y dependence. They are from our inclusive data scaling we used before QM.
Run 11 200 GeV, Additional Slides:
Slides 7-9: centrality 20-60% |Y| results
Slides 23- 26: Rapidity dependent weighting and scaling test

Comparison of Run 11 (our) and Run 14 (their) Yields (09/29/23) QA

Comparison of Our Raw Rho00 vs. Centrality and Pt  Results with Published/Analysis Note  (10/03/23)
-Run 14 200 GeV, Run 11 200 GeV, 62, 39, 27, 19.6, and 11.5 GeV 

Comparison with GPC Analysis Note for Strange Hadron Study (09/22/23)  QA
-Includes our Phi Meson pt spectra for each centrality, compared with published 

200 GeV Run11 QA Plots (09/22/23):
s2-9: Mass dist in each cos theta bin, for each pt bin
s11-18: Mass dist in each cos that bin / sum of cos theta bins, for each pt bin 
s19: Mass dist in each pt bin / mass dist in Sum Pt Bins 
s20: Mass dist in each pt bin 
s21: <cos> vs. Mass in each pt bin / Sum Pt Bins 

200 GeV Run14 QA Plots (10/03/23) :
s2-9: Mass dist in each cos theta bin, for each pt bin
s11-18: Mass dist in each cos that bin / sum of cos theta bins, for each pt bin 
s19: Mass dist in each pt bin / mass dist in Sum Pt Bins 
s20: Mass dist in each pt bin 
s21: <cos> vs. Mass in each pt bin / Sum Pt Bins 

62 GeV QA Plots(09/22/23)
s2: Mass dist in each Pt Bin
s3: Mass dist in each Pt Bin / Sum Pt Bin
s4: <cos> vs. mass in each pt bin / Sum Pt Bin
s5: <cos> vs. mass in each pt bin / <cos> vs. mass 200 GeV
s6: Mass dist  in each pt bin / 200 GeV in each pt bin

39 GeV QA Plots(09/22/23)
s2: Mass dist in each Pt Bin
s3: Mass dist in each Pt Bin / Sum Pt Bin
s4 :Mass dist  in each pt bin / 200 GeV in each pt bin
s5: <cos> vs. mass in each pt bin / Sum Pt Bin
s6: <cos> vs. mass in each pt bin / <cos> 200 GeV in each pt bin

27 GeV Run18 QA Plots (09/22/23):
s2-9: Mass dist in each cos theta bin, for each pt bin
s11-18: Mass dist in each cos that bin / sum of cos theta bins, for each pt bin 
s19: Mass dist in each pt bin / mass dist in Sum Pt Bins 
s20: Mass dist in each pt bin 
s21: <cos> vs. Mass in each pt bin / Sum Pt Bins 

19.6 GeV QA Plots (09/27/23):
s2: Mass dist in each Pt Bin
s3: Mass dist in each Pt Bin / Sum Pt Bin
s4 :Mass dist  in each pt bin / 200 GeV in each pt bin
s5: <cos> vs. mass in each pt bin / Sum Pt Bin
s6: <cos> vs. mass in each pt bin / <cos> 200 GeV in each pt bin

11.5 GeV QA Plots (09/27/23):
Have less plots than the other energies, because I didn't run the cos theta bin method at this energy
Also did not make plots of 11.5 GeV /200 GeV, because we ran this energy with more pt bins as a check.
Would require some rebinning and technical work to make those plots