Migration of triggerDefinition and triggerThreshold Information from Online to the Offline Database, Year 2013

To eliminate the need of making an online database call for StRoot/StTriggerUtilities, I am, with the assistance of Zilong Chang, I am migrating the relevant information from the online database to the tables in the Calibration/trg database. This has already been done for year 2012 by Zilong, and I am continuing his efforts and working on the following years. This migration will help the large scale production of picoDsts from MuDsts, as well as allow the use of StTriggerUtilities on PDSF.

The tables are filled on a run by run basis, using the time-stamp of the beginTime of each run. The beginTime is retrieved from the online database "RunLog.runDescriptor". I do not have an offset of 5 seconds for the time, as was done for 2013. I have checked that the correct table is able to be picked up without the offset.

The list of runs which had the tables uploaded to the offline database was made by using get_file_list.pl with tpx=1,emc=1,eemc=1,sanity=1 for all of the trigger configurations listed under production from the STAR RunLog Browser, found on https://online.star.bnl.gov. For 2013, the trigger configurations included were pp500_production_2013, and pp500_production2013a.

I will create a separate blog entry for each year.