New P18ih.SL20d Pico Production Sample Check

New Picos are being produced from the P18ih MuDSTs, and a sample of both presplit and high luminosity productions are ready to look over for any issues. The purpose of these new picoDSTs are to include BSMD information. There should be minimal to no difference in the content of the picoDSTs outside of the newly included BSMD info. The picoDsts are being produced with a slightly newer STAR library, but this seems to have zero affect on the produced picos, as I find that the event, track, and tower information remains identical between the older (SL20a) and new (SL20d) picos. Here below are some quite trivial histograms (Presplit lumi sample,  VPDMB-30 minbias events, looking at the files which exist for both the new sample and the old picos), which have the data points of the old and new picos overlaid. This is only a very brief sample of histograms, I checked the agreement for many more histograms. I am also checking for agreement between the high-luminosity production sample, however the corresponding old picos exist on xrootd and when I was running over the sample I ran into some xrootd errors for a small sample of the files. The high-lumi production seems to also agree (which should be trivially expected) but I am rerunning it now to double check.

Here are some event-level histograms, with quite normal analysis-level cuts applied. Note the y-axis is counts, and the new test sample's points are overlaid with the old pico's points where are not visible.

Here is some track-level information, which again is completely consistent with the old picos.


 And here is looking at the tower energy before hadronic subtraction, which also is identical to the previous picos.