Run 13 W analysis : Study on mid rapidity "Eta-dip " - MC

 Why Eta-Dip is not seen [once W reconstrction cuts are applied] in run 13 Embedded MC [STI production] ?
During the presentation to spin PWG on 05-09-16 (slides) a question arose by Carl reagrding "eta-dip".  

Q : If the eta-dip is a luminosity effect, why it would not shows up in embedded MC ?  Since simulated PHYTIA events are embedded on STAR zero-bias events embedded MC should also shows an luminosity dependant eta-dip similar to that in data. 

This page summarize studies done to undertand the cause of this.


Referenses :

pp 500 W Simulation Studies done by TFG  by embedding Pythia pp->W->enu  into Pythia pp510 minimum bias sample instead "zero-bias"  These studies shows an "eta-dip"  in STI in comparison STICA