Run 13 W Test analysis : St W full production [Yuri's] using new StiCA [Yuri's code] tracking

StiCA - Yuri's code - St WB  production  -test analysis  - Run 13 data / embedding 

As a part of ongoing test prodctions analyses to evluate perfomence of new StiCA tracking algorithms in various physics analyses,  Yuri  has locally produced  (as per elke's request) full run 13 pp500 W stream using his local code of  StiCA tracking algorithm. We have ran W analysis code over his production to see the perfomance of the tracking and then compared with the official run 13 prodcution whcih have used STI tracking algorithm.

MuDst Location :  /gpfs01/star/pwg/fisyak/reco/2013W/*/*/*MuDst.root

production library vertex finding algo tracking  BEMC Gains
p14ia SL14a PPV_W  STI  run 12 200 GeV
p14ia SL14g  PPV_W  STI   run 12 200 GeV
Yuri-P1 DEV2/TFG16a  PPV_W  STICA [yuri's]   run 12 200 GeV
Yuri-P2 DEV2/TFG16a  PPV_W  STICA [yuri's]   run 12 200 GeV

Data -  Period 1
Analysis plots : Click (here)
Apple -to -apple compariosn : Click (here)


Data -  Period 2

Period 2 

Analysis plots : Click (here)
Apple -to -apple compariosn : Click (here)


Golden W per ZDC rate


Embedding - test
Embedding Chain option from Yuri for new StiCa -tracking algorithm 
The chain is defined as (/afs/
 Period 1  -  day  76 - 126

 $chain = "DbV20140222,pp2013a,mtd,btof,fmsDat,fgt,fgtPoint,VFPPVnoCTB,beamline,BEmcChkStat,Corr4,OSpaceZ2,OGridLeak3D";#,-hitfilt"; #for days 76-126 .
 $chain .= ",StiCA";
 $chain .= ",noRunco,noHistos,noTags,-evout";
Period 2  -  day  129 - 161

 $chain = "DbV20141125,pp2013b,mtd,btof,fmsDat,fgt,fgtPoint,VFPPVnoCTB,beamline,StiHftP,BEmcChkStat,Corr4,OSpaceZ2,OGridLeak3D";#,-hitfilt"; #days129-161 (part 2) 
 $chain .= ",StiCA";
 $chain .= ",noRunco,noHistos,noTags,-evout";


BeamLine Constaint 

During Run 13 official embedding production a issue with beam line constraint was observerd!  Namely the reconstruction part has used wrong time stamp which led to not to use "non zero beam line constrint " from the caibration.
References : 

The first test sample was done using STICA had the similar kind of issue. BY investigating log files it was confirmed that the wrong beam line constrained were used and therefore issues with primary vertex reconstructions seems to have led to weired charge-sign separation.

some info about the time-stamp ;

DbV time stamp :

DbV relates to a time when entries are placed in the database (this is a means of controlling, for example, which versions of a calibration for one dataset are used). DbV time stamp will Ignore anything in the database that was entered there after this date.

An example of where DbV is useful:
EMC group puts an entry in the database for Run 12 BTOW gains. They do so on May 1st (that's the entry time), but the beginTime for that entry might be 2012-01-01.They realize a month later they could improve those gains, so the put in another entry on June 1st, using a beginTime of 2012-01-02.
If you then look at data taken 2012-04-01, it will pick up the entry from June 1st unless you use a DbV of something like 20160502.

StarDb :  A file-based mechanism for overriding what is in the database. [ No entry time ]

The only timestamp with a .C used in StarDb  file is how it is named. That does not relate to a DbV. It relates to the data timestamp.
[ If the .C file has a timestamp earlier than one in the database, it will be ignored. If the .C file has a timestamp between one in the database and the timestamp of the data, it will be used. If your .C file has a timestamp later than the timestamp of the data, it will be ignored. ]


Jinlong-study on Yuri's period 1 production :