Summary of simulations with air tube

Attached to this blog post is a set of plots that summarise my most recent simulation results. There are results for incident electrons, photons, pi0's, pi+'s, and pi-'s. For each simulation, I used energies 6,15,35,55,75 GeV. The incident position of the particles was varied slightly as well for each run. Each run was conducted first with the photocathode in optical contact with the lead glass and then with an air tube of lengths 1,5,10,20,30 mm.

Here is a summary of the results:




For low angles of incidence, resolution is lowest with no air tube (2.75%); increases slowly with cookie length

For no angular cuts, resolution decreases with increasing air tube length until we reach 30mm, where it increases; overall, resolution is less than half with the air tube than without (11% without air tube, ~4.6% with air tube; lowest at 20mm (4.1%))


For low angular cuts, resolution increases with air tube length (except for 30mm); it is lowest for 1mm air tube length (3.1%). With no air tube, low angular cut resolution is around the same as for a ~7mm cookie (3.25%). 

For no angular cut, resolution is not proportional to air tube length; lowest is for 10mm (6.35%); with no air tube it is 15.5%.


For low angular cuts, resolution is not proportional to air tube length; lowest is for 10mm (3.1%); however with no air tube it is lower (3%)

For no angular cut, resolution is not proportional to air tube length; lowest is for 10mm (5.15%); with no air tube it is 14%.